How to Answer 'My Therapist Would Say I' Hinge Prompt

Hey, I'm Paw Markus and I have come up with 121 (!!) answers to the "my therapist would say I" hinge prompt, and some of them are actually not shit.

If that's not enough for you, sorry but you're probably a lost cause.

If you wanna see how you're doing on the online dating market, check out Swipestats and visualize your date.

Now, let's get you some matches, shall we?

How to Answer 'My Therapist Would Say I'

  1. Have an unhealthy obsession with dad jokes
  2. Should stop trying to high-five strangers
  3. Need to accept that pineapple belongs on pizza
  4. Have an irrational fear of garden gnomes
  5. Overthink my overthinking
  6. Could benefit from a cat intervention
  7. Need to stop adopting every stray animal I see
  8. Have an uncanny ability to find the weirdest items at thrift stores
  9. Should learn to moonwalk for social situations
  10. Have a concerning amount of useless trivia stored in my brain
  11. Need to stop planning my zombie apocalypse strategy
  12. Could use my powers of procrastination for good
  13. Have an extraordinary talent for finding the longest line at the grocery store
  14. Should embrace my inner child, but maybe not during job interviews
  15. Need to accept that I can't pull off a fedora
  16. Have a gift for turning awkward silences into even more awkward conversations
  17. Could benefit from a Netflix intervention
  18. Need to stop trying to befriend neighborhood squirrels
  19. Have an unhealthy relationship with coffee
  20. Should learn to adult, but where's the fun in that?
  21. Need to stop using "but first, coffee" as a life motto
  22. Have a superpower of making simple tasks unnecessarily complicated
  23. Could use my pizza-eating skills for competitive eating
  24. Need to accept that my singing voice isn't as angelic as I think
  25. Have a talent for finding the most obscure Wikipedia articles
  26. Should stop trying to make fetch happen
  27. Need to embrace my inner dancing queen, even if it's just in the kitchen
  28. Have an impressive ability to quote entire movies, but struggle with basic small talk
  29. Could benefit from learning the art of graceful exits
  30. Need to stop blaming my zodiac sign for my poor life choices
  31. Have a gift for turning any conversation into a debate about aliens
  32. Should learn to cook something other than instant ramen
  33. Need to accept that my plant parenting skills are subpar at best
  34. Have a knack for finding the most random YouTube videos at 3 AM
  35. Could use my power of overthinking to solve world problems
  36. Need to stop treating my dog like a human child
  37. Have an uncanny ability to attract mosquitoes in any season
  38. Should learn to express emotions without using only memes
  39. Need to accept that my fashion sense is... unique
  40. Have a superpower of always choosing the wrong line at airport security

Cheeky and Sarcastic Answers (use with caution)

  1. Am too good-looking for my own good
  2. Should patent my eye-roll technique
  3. Need to stop using sarcasm as a love language
  4. Have elevated passive-aggressiveness to an art form
  5. Could teach a masterclass in Netflix binging
  6. Need to stop treating my cat like a therapist
  7. Have a PhD in procrastination
  8. Should write a book on creative excuses
  9. Need to accept that my dance moves are a public safety hazard
  10. Have perfected the art of avoiding small talk
  11. Could win an Olympic medal in overthinking
  12. Need to stop using "that's what she said" in professional settings
  13. Have a black belt in avoiding responsibilities
  14. Should start a support group for chronic oversleepers
  15. Need to accept that my flirting style is... unique
  16. Have a talent for finding the most expensive item on any menu
  17. Could teach a class on how to turn simple tasks into day-long projects
  18. Need to stop using memes as a form of communication
  19. Have an impressive collection of unfinished projects
  20. Should consider a career in professional napping
  21. Need to accept that my puns are not as hilarious as I think
  22. Have elevated ghosting to an art form
  23. Could write a guidebook on how to avoid adulting
  24. Need to stop treating my plants like emotional support animals
  25. Have a talent for finding the most awkward moment to sneeze
  26. Should consider therapy for my addiction to online shopping
  27. Need to accept that my Tinder bio is not as witty as I believe
  28. Have a superpower of attracting weirdos on public transport
  29. Could teach a masterclass in coming up with creative wifi names
  30. Need to stop using "I'm fine" when I'm clearly not
  31. Have a PhD in finding reasons not to go to the gym
  32. Should write a book on the art of overthinking text messages
  33. Need to accept that my cooking experiments are potential biohazards
  34. Have a talent for always picking the shopping cart with the wonky wheel
  35. Could win an award for most creative use of emojis in professional emails
  36. Need to stop treating Google as my primary care physician
  37. Have elevated social media stalking to a fine art
  38. Should consider a career in professional coffee tasting
  39. Need to accept that my karaoke skills are not as impressive as I think
  40. Have a superpower of always managing to step in puddles, even on sunny days

Even More Ways to Answer 'My Therapist Would Say I'

  1. Have an uncanny ability to find the one typo in a 300-page book
  2. Should stop trying to make "fetch" happen
  3. Need to accept that my spirit animal is a sloth
  4. Have elevated binge-watching to an Olympic sport
  5. Could write a dissertation on the art of procrastination
  6. Need to stop using "LOL" as punctuation in real-life conversations
  7. Have a black belt in avoiding confrontation
  8. Should consider a career in professional blanket fort building
  9. Need to accept that my Instagram food photos are not art
  10. Have a superpower of always choosing the slowest checkout line
  11. Could teach a masterclass on how to turn a 5-minute story into an hour-long saga
  12. Need to stop using air quotes in every sentence
  13. Have a PhD in finding excuses not to go to the gym
  14. Should write a book on the art of mismatched socks
  15. Need to accept that my dad jokes are not improving with age
  16. Have a talent for finding the most obscure facts at 3 AM
  17. Could win an award for most creative use of duct tape
  18. Need to stop treating my houseplants like they're my children
  19. Have an impressive ability to trip over thin air
  20. Should consider therapy for my addiction to buying unnecessary kitchen gadgets
  21. Need to accept that my accent impressions are not as accurate as I think
  22. Have a superpower of always managing to spill something on a white shirt
  23. Could teach a class on how to turn any conversation into a monologue about my cat
  24. Need to stop using "adulting" as an excuse for everything
  25. Have a talent for finding the one mosquito in a room full of people
  26. Should write a guidebook on how to avoid small talk at parties
  27. Need to accept that my parallel parking skills are a public hazard
  28. Have elevated overthinking text messages to an art form
  29. Could win a medal for most creative excuses for being late
  30. Need to stop treating WebMD as my primary care physician
  31. Have a PhD in finding the worst possible moment to have a wardrobe malfunction
  32. Should consider a career in professional nap taking
  33. Need to accept that my attempts at DIY are more "why" than "do it yourself"
  34. Have a talent for always managing to buy fruit that goes bad in 24 hours
  35. Could teach a masterclass on how to turn a simple task into a day-long project
  36. Need to stop using emojis as a substitute for actual emotions
  37. Have an uncanny ability to attract every dog in a 5-mile radius
  38. Should write a book on the art of passive-aggressive dish washing
  39. Need to accept that my multi-tasking usually means doing multiple things poorly at once
  40. Have a superpower of always forgetting someone's name immediately after being introduced
  41. Have perfected the art of turning "I'll be ready in 5 minutes" into a 2-hour adventure

Time to Up Your Dating Game

There you have it, folks. With these answers, you'll either land a date or a spot on a comedy show. Either way, you're winning. Remember, authenticity is key, even if that means admitting you're a walking disaster.

Want to really level up your dating game? Head to Swipestats for a deep dive into your dating app performance. And if you're feeling brave, check out our manual profile reviews. We'll tell you exactly why that left swipe hurt so much.

Now go forth and charm the pants off Hinge. Just remember, if all else fails, there's always therapy. Or cats. Lots of cat

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