How to Answer the 'Green Flags I Look Out For' Hinge Prompt Without Sounding Like a Complete Tool
The cheeky, funny, personal and the cringe
TL;DR: Best Answers That Actually Work
Let's cut through the bullshit. I'm Paw Markus, and after years of helping thousands of guys navigate the clusterfuck that is modern dating, I've figured out what actually works on Hinge.
No pickup artist garbage, no manipulation tactics – just real, tested answers that show who you are without trying too hard.
- My favorite answer: "...sends random dolphin facts at 2 AM"
- Best cheeky answer: "...owns at least three plants that aren't dead yet"
- Best funny answer: "...owns more than one towel"
- Best deeply personal answer: "...emotional intelligence, the courage to be vulnerable, and someone who values personal growth"
PS: they also work on Bumble
PPS: they don't work on your CV
How NOT to Answer This Prompt (Unless You Want to Die Alone)
Look, I've seen enough terrible Hinge profiles to fill several books of "What Not To Do If You Ever Want to Get Laid Again."
Through our dating app data analysis, we've found that these answers are about as attractive as discussing your ex on a first date. Here's what to avoid if you don't want to come across as a walking red flag yourself:
- ..."no drama" (Spoiler alert: You're the drama)
- ..."must be hot" (Congratulations, you've just announced you're shallow AF)
- ..."has a job and their own place" (Wow, such high standards. What's next, "must breathe oxygen"?)
- ..."doesn't play games" (The irony of this being the biggest game-player response possible)
- ..."good vibes only" (Translation: "I'm emotionally unavailable and can't handle real conversations")
How I Would Actually Answer This Without Being a Try-Hard
Here's the thing – the best answers to this prompt aren't trying to impress anyone. They're honest, slightly amusing, and give potential matches something to actually respond to. After helping countless guys improve their dating app success, here are some answers that work because they're real:
- ..."gets irrationally excited about their favorite foods (if you don't have strong opinions about pizza toppings, what DO you care about?)"
- ..."sends random dolphin facts at 2 AM because they can't keep cool information to themselves"
- ..."knows that liking The Office isn't a personality trait but quotes it anyway"
- ..."understands that sometimes the best dates are just ordering takeout and watching bad movies"
- ..."can admit when they're wrong (bonus points if they can laugh about it)"
- ..."has specific playlists for oddly specific moods like 'it's raining and I'm feeling nostalgic about 2007'"
- ..."remembers random conversation details because they actually give a shit"
- ..."defends their controversial food opinions with passion (if you think pineapple belongs on pizza, at least own it)"
- ..."can handle comfortable silences without reaching for their phone"
- ..."gets genuinely excited about small things, like finding money in old jeans or perfect avocado ripeness"
Cheeky Answers That Actually Get Responses
Let's be real – being a smartass can work if you do it right. And by "right," I mean not being a total douchebag about it. These answers walk that fine line between witty and "trying too hard to be funny guy at the party":
- ..."owns at least three plants that aren't dead yet"
- ..."doesn't think crypto is a personality trait"
- ..."can parallel park without having an existential crisis"
- ..."has never used the phrase 'that's just how I am' as an excuse"
- ..."doesn't think tacos and margs make them unique"
- ..."owns actual furniture that didn't come from IKEA (bonus points if they kept all the IKEA pieces together)"
- ..."doesn't have a podcast about their gym routine"
- ..."understands that hiking isn't a substitute for having a personality"
- ..."can cook something other than pasta and eggs"
- ..."hasn't posted a gym mirror selfie in at least 3 months"
Funny Answers That Don't Try Too Hard
Here's the thing about humor on dating apps – if you have to force it, it's probably not funny. These answers work because they're relatable and don't scream "I googled funny hinge answers." Want to see what works for others?
Check out our dating app data visualization for real insights.
- ..."knows all the words to at least one embarrassing 90s pop song and isn't afraid to prove it"
- ..."doesn't think petting every dog they see is a red flag"
- ..."understands that 'five more minutes' really means 30"
- ..."has a specific voice for talking to their pet (bonus points if they deny it)"
- ..."doesn't wait until the gas light comes on to fill up"
- ..."can build IKEA furniture without having an emotional breakdown"
- ..."knows their zodiac sign but doesn't use it to justify being an asshole"
- ..."hasn't used 'living my best life' unironically in the past year"
- ..."owns more than one towel (the bar is literally on the floor)"
- ..."doesn't think liking spicy food is a character trait"
Deeply Personal Answers (For Those Ready to Cut the BS)
If you're actually looking for something real (shocking, I know), these answers show you're not just here for the ego boost. They might scare off some matches, but that's the point. Looking to boost your dating app game? Our SwipeGuide can help you attract the right kind of attention.
- ..."values therapy and actively works on their emotional growth"
- ..."can talk about their feelings without making it an Instagram caption"
- ..."understands that vulnerability isn't weakness"
- ..."actively maintains friendships instead of letting them fade"
- ..."knows their attachment style and is working on their patterns"
- ..."can disagree respectfully and have actual discussions"
- ..."has a relationship with their family (good or bad) that they understand"
- ..."takes responsibility for their part in past relationship endings"
- ..."has clear boundaries and respects others'"
- ..."knows what they want in life and isn't afraid to talk about it"
Remember, the best prompt answers are like your favorite pair of jeans – they should fit you perfectly and feel natural, not like you're trying to squeeze into something that isn't you. Want to see how your profile stacks up? Upload your data to SwipeStats and get real insights about your dating app performance.
And if you're still struggling with your profile pics (let's be honest, most guys are), check out our AI dating photos service or book a shoot with one of our dating photographers. Because sometimes, the green flag others are looking for is simply giving enough of a damn to present yourself well.