How to Answer the 'Do you agree or disagree that' Hinge Prompt to Spark Debate and Dates
Hey there, I'm Paw, and I have here 119 kickass answers to the "Do you agree or disagree that" Hinge prompt. If these don't help you land a date, you might want to consider becoming a monk.
Before we dive in, why not check out Swipestats to see how you stack up in the ruthless world of online dating? Knowledge is power, my friends.
How to Answer "Do You Agree or Disagree That"
- Pineapple belongs on pizza
- Cereal is a soup
- Die Hard is a Christmas movie
- Pluto should still be a planet
- Hot dogs are sandwiches
- The book is always better than the movie
- Aliens definitely exist
- Time travel will be possible one day
- Cats are better than dogs
- Coffee is superior to tea
- Bigfoot is out there somewhere
- Clowns are terrifying
- Social media is ruining society
- Peanut butter and jelly is the perfect combination
- The moon landing was faked
- Ghosts are real
- Zodiac signs influence personality
- Technology is making us less social
- Climate change is the biggest threat to humanity
- Parallel universes exist
- AI will eventually take over the world
- Soulmates are real
- Money can buy happiness
- The customer is always right
- Breakfast is the most important meal of the day
- Video games are art
- The Loch Ness Monster exists
- Humans will colonize Mars in our lifetime
- Cryptocurrency is the future of money
- Telepathy is possible
- Love at first sight is real
- The Earth is flat
- Time is an illusion
- Free will is a myth
- Luck is more important than hard work
- Multitasking is efficient
- The pen is mightier than the sword
- Opposites attract
- Everything happens for a reason
- The universe is a simulation
Sarcastic Ways to Answer "Do You Agree or Disagree That"
- Reality TV shows actually depict reality
- Mosquitoes serve a vital purpose in the ecosystem
- Mondays are the best day of the week
- Traffic jams are great for personal growth
- Stubbing your toe is a pleasant experience
- Papercuts are nature's way of saying 'I love you'
- Stepping on Lego builds character
- Autocorrect always improves your texts
- All politicians are completely honest
- The DMV is the most efficient government agency
- Assembling IKEA furniture is a bonding experience
- Spam emails contain valuable information
- Telemarketers provide an essential service
- The weather forecast is always accurate
- Public speaking is everyone's favorite activity
- Slow internet is good for patience
- Paying taxes is fun
- Alarm clocks are the best way to start the day
- Doing laundry is the highlight of the week
- Millennials are killing the napkin industry
- Pineapple pizza haters have superior taste buds
- Flat earthers have compelling arguments
- Conspiracy theories are always based on facts
- Hitting your funny bone is hilarious
- Participation trophies boost self-esteem
- Comic Sans is the most professional font
- Wet socks are comfortable
- Daylight saving time makes perfect sense
- Airline food is gourmet cuisine
- Nails on a chalkboard is soothing
- Waiting on hold is a great use of time
- The middle seat on a plane is the best
- Commercials are the best part of TV shows
- Autocorrect never ducking fails
- Fanny packs are the height of fashion
- Glitter is easy to clean up
- Clickbait headlines always deliver
- Reply all is the best email feature
- Micromanagement boosts employee morale
- The Earth is banana-shaped
Even More Ways to Answer "Do You Agree or Disagree That"
- Parallel parking is enjoyable
- Cilantro tastes like soap
- Vinyl records sound better than digital
- The dress was blue and black
- Artificial intelligence will become self-aware
- Humans only use 10% of their brains
- Introverts make the best public speakers
- The moon affects human behavior
- Destiny is predetermined
- Déjà vu is a glitch in the matrix
- Aliens built the pyramids
- Cracking your knuckles causes arthritis
- Sugar makes kids hyperactive
- Listening to Mozart makes you smarter
- Goldfish have a three-second memory
- Lightning never strikes the same place twice
- You eat eight spiders in your sleep each year
- Humans evolved from chimpanzees
- The Great Wall of China is visible from space
- Bats are blind
- Chameleons change color to blend in
- Touching a toad gives you warts
- Bulls are angered by the color red
- Vaccines cause autism
- Carrots improve your eyesight
- Humans only have five senses
- Sugar is more addictive than cocaine
- You lose most heat through your head
- Cheese gives you nightmares
- Drinking alcohol warms you up
- Shaving makes hair grow back thicker
- Humans and dinosaurs coexisted
- The tongue has taste zones
- Stress causes gray hair
- Lifting weights stunts growth
- Coconut water is a suitable blood plasma substitute
- Humans are the only animals that have sex for pleasure
- Reading in dim light damages your eyesight
- Swallowed gum takes seven years to digest
Don't Agree? Let's Disagree to Agree
Well, there you have it – 119 ways to answer the "Do you agree or disagree that" prompt that are guaranteed to make your matches either swoon or run for the hills. But hey, at least you'll stand out, right?
If you're still struggling to get matches, maybe it's time for a profile review. Or, if you're feeling particularly masochistic, head back to Swipestats and see how your dating stats compare to others. Who knows, maybe you'll discover you're not as hopeless as you thought. Or maybe you'll decide to become a monk after all. Either way, good luck out there in the dating wilderness!