How to Answer the 'Change my mind about' Hinge Prompt
Hey, I'm Paw, and I have 128 ways to answer the "Change my mind about" Hinge prompt. If you can't find something here that works for you, you might want to consider a career as a mime.
Before we dive in, if you're curious about how you stack up in the ruthless world of online dating, check out Swipestats and visualize your data. It's like a report card for your love life, but with less math and more potential for existential crises.
Now, let's turn you into a mind-changing maestro, shall we?
How to Answer "Change My Mind About"
- Pineapple on pizza being a culinary abomination
- The superiority of dogs over cats
- Socks with sandals being a fashion crime
- Tiktok dances as a form of modern art
- Breakfast for dinner being the ultimate meal
- The Oxford comma being absolutely necessary
- Aliens definitely existing and probably judging us
- Coffee being a suitable replacement for sleep
- Bigfoot's existence and his impeccable hide-and-seek skills
- Karaoke being an acceptable form of torture
- Matching outfits being the pinnacle of couple goals
- The flat earth theory (just kidding, please don't)
- Puns being the highest form of humor
- Talking to plants helping them grow
- Parallel parking being an Olympic sport
- Crocs being stylish footwear
- Dad jokes being genuinely funny
- The superiority of waffles over pancakes
- Unicorns being the national animal of Scotland
- Pluto still being a planet
- Ghosts existing and just being really shy
- Bubble wrap being a legitimate stress reliever
- The existence of the Loch Ness Monster
- Cilantro tasting like soap
- Bigfoot being camera shy
- The moon landing being faked (it wasn't, but let's debate)
- Cereal being a soup
- Hot dogs being sandwiches
- Sushi being overrated
- Clowns being terrifying, not funny
- Pineapple belonging on pizza (yes, I'm flip-flopping)
- The superiority of books over movies
- Listening to Christmas music year-round
- Aliens building the pyramids
- Tomatoes being a fruit, not a vegetable
- The existence of luck
- Astrology actually working
- Bigfoot's fashion sense
- The tooth fairy's business model
- Time travel being possible but boring
Sarcastic Ways to Answer "Change My Mind About"
- My impeccable taste in memes
- The earth being round (it's obviously a donut)
- Godzilla's potential as a city planner
- My future as a professional couch potato
- The moon being made of cheese
- My status as the world's okayest person
- Dinosaurs being extinct (they're just really good at hide and seek)
- My future career as a professional napper
- Aliens not wanting to talk to us because we're boring
- My ability to turn procrastination into an art form
- The existence of my social life
- My future as a professional chocolate taster
- Bigfoot's Instagram influencer potential
- My skills as an amateur bird caller
- The Illuminati running a secret underground mini-golf league
- My future as a professional pillow fort architect
- The moon landing being real (it was clearly filmed on Mars)
- My ability to communicate with plants
- The existence of my gym membership
- Unicorns being just horses in fancy dress
- My future as a professional bubble wrap popper
- The Bermuda Triangle being a glitch in the Matrix
- My skills as an amateur cloud shape identifier
- Zombies just wanting hugs, not brains
- My future as a professional blanket fort engineer
- Bigfoot's potential as a hair care spokesperson
- My ability to speak fluent sarcasm
- The existence of my cooking skills
- Aliens visiting Earth for our reality TV shows
- My future as a professional couch critic
- The Loch Ness Monster's career in submarine tech
- My skills as an amateur rain dancer
- Ghosts just being really lost tourists
- My future as a professional snack taste tester
- Vampires' aversion to garlic being a mild allergy
- My ability to predict the weather (badly)
- The existence of my green thumb
- Werewolves just having a really bad hair day
- My future as a professional pillow fluffer
- Mermaids avoiding us due to ocean pollution
Even More Ways to Answer "Change My Mind About"
- The superiority of tea over coffee
- Pineapple being the king of fruits
- Socks being unnecessary foot prisons
- The necessity of daylight savings time
- Rollercoasters being fun and not terrifying
- The superiority of cold pizza for breakfast
- Bigfoot's potential as a hide-and-seek coach
- The effectiveness of counting sheep
- Aliens visiting Earth for our fast food
- The true purpose of garden gnomes
- The necessity of turn signals
- The superiority of soft serve over scooped ice cream
- The existence of my dance moves
- The Bermuda Triangle's reputation as a party hotspot
- The necessity of folding fitted sheets
- The superiority of cake over pie
- The true identity of Batman
- The effectiveness of "Do Not Disturb" signs
- The purpose of lint rollers
- The superiority of board games over video games
- The necessity of belt loops
- The true origin of crop circles
- The superiority of front pockets over back pockets
- The effectiveness of "Employees Must Wash Hands" signs
- The purpose of those little plastic tables in pizza boxes
- The superiority of smooth peanut butter over crunchy
- The true location of Atlantis
- The necessity of wheeled luggage
- The superiority of hardcover books over paperbacks
- The purpose of elevator music
- The effectiveness of "Keep Off the Grass" signs
- The superiority of mechanical pencils over regular ones
- The true identity of Santa Claus
- The necessity of umbrella hats
- The superiority of digital watches over analog
- The purpose of those extra shoelace holes
- The effectiveness of "No Soliciting" signs
- The superiority of seedless watermelons
- The true purpose of area 51
- The necessity of glow-in-the-dark stars on ceilings
- The superiority of chunky salsa over smooth
- The purpose of those long CVS receipts
- The effectiveness of "Do Not Remove" tags on mattresses
- The superiority of regular M&Ms over peanut M&Ms
- The true identity of the tooth fairy
- The necessity of decorative towels
- The superiority of ranch dressing over all other dressings
- The purpose of those little ketchup cups at fast food places
The Grand Finale: Your Mind-Changing Mission
Alright, champ. You've now got more ways to answer this prompt than Bigfoot has hair follicles. If you can't find something here that sparks a conversation, you might want to consider a career in silent film.
Remember, the key to a great Hinge profile is being authentically you - just the most interesting, witty version of you. If you're still struggling, maybe it's time for a profile review. We'll help you polish that digital persona until it shines brighter than a vampire in sunlight.
Now go and change some minds. And hey, if all else fails, you can always fall back on the timeless classic: "Change my mind about... the effectiveness of this prompt." Meta, right?