How to Answer the 'A quick rant about' Hinge Prompt to Rant Your Way into Someone's Heart
Heya, I'm Paw, and I'm about to drop 117 ways to answer the "A quick rant about" Hinge prompt. Some of these are gold, and some are trash, but they're all better than leaving it blank.
Before we dive in, if you want to see how you're stacking up in the cutthroat world of online dating, check out Swipestats and visualize your data. It might just save you from a lifetime of swiping into the void.
Now, let's turn your rant into a match magnet.
How to answer "A quick rant about"
- People who walk slowly in grocery store aisles
- The myth of 'easy assembly required'
- Influencers who can't influence me to care
- The audacity of printer ink prices
- Restaurants that don't serve breakfast all day
- The person who invented captchas
- Unnecessary movie remakes
- The extinction of the headphone jack
- People who don't use turn signals
- The conspiracy of shrinking chocolate bars
- The lies we tell ourselves about New Year's resolutions
- The friend who always says "we should catch up" but never does
- The impossibility of folding a fitted sheet
- Autocorrect's vendetta against swear words
- The myth of "one size fits all"
- People who bring babies to R-rated movies
- The audacity of avocados going bad in 0.5 seconds
- The friend who's always "5 minutes away"
- The person who invented pop-up ads
- The lies on food packaging photos
- People who don't return shopping carts
- The myth of "unlimited" data plans
- The friend who asks for advice but never takes it
- The impossibility of eating just one potato chip
- People who talk during movies
- The conspiracy of disappearing socks in the laundry
- The audacity of companies calling a 6-hour window a "delivery time"
- The myth of "quick and easy" recipes
- People who don't clean up after their dogs
- The friend who always has drama but "hates drama"
- The impossibility of opening plastic packaging without scissors
- The lies we tell ourselves about "just one more episode"
- People who use speakerphone in public
- The conspiracy of traffic lights turning red as you approach
- The audacity of gym membership cancellation policies
- The myth of "painless" waxing
- The friend who's always on their phone during hangouts
- The impossibility of finding the end of the tape roll
- People who don't respect personal space in lines
- The lies we tell ourselves about our screen time
Sarcastically Satisfying Rants for "A quick rant about"
- The joy of stepping on a Lego barefoot
- The thrill of forgetting why you walked into a room
- The excitement of finding out your favorite show got canceled
- The pleasure of biting your tongue while eating
- The delight of running out of toilet paper mid-business
- The ecstasy of hitting every red light when you're late
- The bliss of realizing you forgot your phone after leaving home
- The euphoria of warm beer on a hot day
- The rapture of watching paint dry
- The thrill of listening to someone describe their dream in detail
- The joy of trying to sleep with a mosquito in the room
- The excitement of realizing you're out of coffee on Monday morning
- The pleasure of sitting next to a screaming baby on a long flight
- The delight of finding out your favorite item is discontinued
- The ecstasy of stepping in a puddle with socks on
- The bliss of autocorrect changing your words to something inappropriate
- The rapture of slow internet when you're trying to watch something
- The thrill of getting a paper cut on your tongue
- The joy of accidentally liking a 3-year-old Instagram post
- The excitement of realizing you put salt in your coffee instead of sugar
- The pleasure of getting Rick Rolled in 2024
- The delight of your earphones getting caught on every doorknob
- The ecstasy of biting into a chocolate chip cookie and realizing it's raisin
- The bliss of your phone dying right as you need to make an important call
- The rapture of someone spoiling the ending of a book you're reading
- The thrill of realizing you've been talking with spinach in your teeth
- The joy of your umbrella turning inside out in the rain
- The excitement of stubbing your toe on furniture you've had for years
- The pleasure of realizing you've been wearing your shirt inside out all day
- The delight of your alarm not going off on the most important day
- The ecstasy of getting a brain freeze from eating ice cream too fast
- The bliss of someone using "your" when they mean "you're"
- The rapture of running out of gas in the middle of nowhere
- The thrill of forgetting your reusable bags at the grocery store
- The joy of realizing you left the house with mismatched socks
- The excitement of your favorite team losing in the last second
- The pleasure of getting a popcorn kernel stuck in your teeth at the movies
- The delight of realizing you've been mispronouncing a word for years
- The ecstasy of your headphones dying halfway through a workout
- The bliss of accidentally sending a text to the wrong person
Even More Ways to Answer 'A quick rant about'
- The paradox of needing experience to get a job, but a job to get experience
- The audacity of weather forecasts being consistently wrong
- The myth of "5-minute" abs workouts
- People who don't understand the concept of personal space
- The conspiracy of vending machines eating money
- The friend who always says "I'm not hungry" then eats your fries
- The impossibility of keeping houseplants alive
- The lies we tell ourselves about "just one more swipe"
- People who clap when the plane lands
- The audacity of "all you can eat" buffets with time limits
- The myth of "waterproof" mascara
- The friend who always has a "better" story
- The impossibility of eating a Nature Valley bar without making a mess
- People who don't silence their phones in movie theaters
- The conspiracy of USB plugs never going in right the first time
- The audacity of "lite" versions of apps with ads every 5 seconds
- The myth of "unbreakable" phone screens
- The friend who always asks "What are we?" after one date
- The impossibility of finding matching Tupperware lids
- People who don't understand the concept of inside voices
- The conspiracy of fast food ice cream machines always being "broken"
- The audacity of "free trials" that require credit card info
- The myth of "commercial-free" streaming services
- The friend who always says "let's split the bill" after ordering the most expensive item
- The impossibility of keeping white shoes clean
- People who don't understand the concept of personal boundaries
- The conspiracy of chip bags being 50% air
- The audacity of "buy one get one free" deals that increase the original price
- The myth of "wrinkle-free" clothing
- The friend who always cancels plans at the last minute
- The impossibility of taking a good driver's license photo
- People who don't understand the concept of queueing
- The conspiracy of phone batteries dying faster as new models come out
- The audacity of "all-natural" products filled with unpronounceable ingredients
- The myth of "overnight success"
- The friend who always says "I'll Venmo you" but never does
- The impossibility of finding the perfect avocado at the grocery store
Ranting Off Into the Sunset
There you have it, 117 ways to rant your way into someone's heart (or at least their DMs). If these don't work, maybe it's time to face the music: your profile might need some serious help.
Lucky for you, Swipestats offers dating profile reviews that could turn your dating life from a tragedy to a rom-com. And if you're feeling brave, check out our dating app data visualizer to see where you stand in the cutthroat world of online dating.
Remember, a good rant is like a first date - keep it short, make it memorable, and leave them wanting more. Now go forth and rant your way to romance!